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ADHD in Senior Citizens: What Should You Know?

Mildrene Volcy

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

If you are taking care of a senior citizen, there are many things that you should be aware of. One of those things is that senior citizens can have ADHD. Many family members who care for their elderly loved ones don’t recognize ADHD. They may think it is only something that younger children can have. However, it is seen in senior citizens, as well. There are some things that you should know about ADHD in senior citizens.

Defining ADHD

There are different types of ADHD that your elderly loved one could have.

They might have the inattentive type. This is when someone can’t stay organized, doesn’t notice details, loses things often, and forgets things they need to do. If your elderly loved one has this type of ADHD they may leave projects without finishing them and get easily distracted.

Your elderly loved one might have the hyperactive type. This is when someone talks a lot, fidgets with things, can’t seem to stay still, and interrupts others when they talk. If your elderly loved one always seems to be moving around and talking, they could have this type of ADHD.

There is also a combined type. This is diagnosed when someone has a combination of the above-mentioned symptoms.

There is not an exact cause for ADHD. However, therapy and medications could help to manage your loved one’s ADHD. In some cases, an elderly adult will be diagnosed with dementia, but instead, they actually have ADHD.

Seniors and ADHD

Many people don’t realize that seniors can have ADHD. Adults that have ADHD that has gone undiagnosed may be unorganized, can’t sit still, and have trouble with their relationships. Unfortunately, there haven’t been as many studies on ADHD and senior citizens. With this being said, if you suspect your elderly loved one has this disorder, you should have them tested for it.

ADHD can cause even further problems for elderly adults. It could cover up another disorder or disease or be mistaken for other health problems, as well. For instance, when an elderly adult with ADHD forgets things, someone may think they have Alzheimer’s disease. Depression and anxiety are other things that may be diagnosed instead of ADHD.

Treatments for ADHD in Senior Citizens

If your elderly loved one is diagnosed with ADHD, there are treatments available to help them. They could be prescribed medications, therapy, or a combination of the two treatments. However, it should be noted that many ADHD medications are stimulants. These could be harmful to some elderly adults. Make sure you speak to your loved one’s doctor about this before they are prescribed any ADHD medications.

These are some of the things you should know about ADHD in senior citizens. If your elderly loved one has home care providers taking care of them, have the provider watch out for the symptoms of ADHD.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Cranford, NJ or the surrounding areas please contact the caring staff at Perfect Touch Home Care Firm today! (908) 469-2701.


About Mildrene Volcy

Mildrene Volcy is the Owner at Perfect Touch Home Care Firm in Elizabeth, NJ. In 2013, Perfect Touch Home Care Firm was established to serve our communities and provide life-enhancing home care services to those who need care and companionship. Our home health care agency makes the patient the center of our care practice. We make it easy for persons who wish to stay at home in their preferred habitat to arrange available services in an easy, dependable, and respectful way. Our team of Certified Licensed Home Health Aides meets and follows the highest standards of integrity, compassion, and dedication to caring for those in need. We even offer professional staffing services for personal and agency needs. Following industry standards, our home health aides and nursing staff can be counted on for various service requirements.

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